Saturday, December 10, 2011


My husband has fallen off the wagon again. I don't know how hard the fall will be this time; last time it almost killed

But the boys and I are on track. Our wagon bumps along, with rocks and valleys, but moving forward none the less.

This morning I made oatmeal and turkey bacon; an old standby from the baby years before school started for anyone. It makes me think of my Robin.

I lit a candle while it cooked, saying to myself, "Yes, I will light my candle."

Immediately I started singing Nirvana in my head, "Light my candle in a daze cuz I've found God...".

I set it on the table before the food was even ready, a welcome for us, for Him.

The baby, known as Minnow in the blogging world, walked in and saw the candle, excitement in his eyes.

"Gase! Gase!", he said. I didn't understand and told him so. He pointed to the candle, "Gase!". Finally, feeling frustrated with me he said, "Ah memn."



The candle meant we needed to say Grace. And we did, Johnny Appleseed, with raisin, bacon, and gibberish seeds thrown into the air for extra emphasis.

We just need to say Grace.

We finished and I blew out the candle, breathing in the bitter smoke deeply. Please, Lord, let it linger.

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